王鹏,博士,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所研究员,固体润滑国家重点实验室副主任。2001年毕业于甘肃工业大学,同年6月进入中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所工作,2008年12月获理学博士学位,德国马普等离子体物理研究所博士后,国际原子能机构协调研究项目中方首席科学家,国家重点研发计划项目负责人。现主要从事辐射环境下润滑与防护材料服役行为、高能粒子束分析以及核聚变第一壁材料与等离子体相互作用研究。先后主持并完成3项国家自然科学基金、1项国际合作研究项目、1项国家重点研发计划,参与多项863、973、重点型号以及装备预研项目。在国内外acs appl. mater. interfaces, scientific reports, phys. chem. chem. phys, applied surface science,journal of nuclear materials等刊物发表sci论文60余篇,本领域国际会议上做主旨及邀请报告5次,《装备环境工程》杂志编委,nanoscale、acs appl. mater. interfaces, scientific reports等期刊特约审稿人。
1. duan z, qiao l, chai l, wang p*. structure, properties and growth mechanism of a self-assembled nanocylindrical mos2/mo-sc composite film, applied surface science, 2019, 465: 564-574.
2. qiao l, zhang h w, xu j, chai l.q. hu m. wang p*. deuterium retention and release behaviours of tungsten and deuterium co-deposited layers, journal of nuclear materials, 2018, 502: 247-254.
3. weng s, qiao l, wang p*. thermal stability of pt-ti bilayer films annealing in vacuum and ambient atmosphere, applied surface science, 2018, 444: 721-728.
4. j. xu, t. f. he, l. q. chai, l. qiao, x. q. zhang, p. wang*, w. m. liu, selective-releasing-affected lubricant mechanism of a self-assembled mos2/mo-s-c nanoperiod multilayer film sliding in diverse atmospheres, phys. chem. chem. phys, 2017, 19, 8161-8173.
5. xiaoqin zhang, jiao xu, tengfei he, liqiang chai, li qiao, peng wang*, carbon and nitrogen co-doping self-assembled mos2 multilayer films, applied surface science, 2017,406, 30-38.
6. xuexi zhang, li qiao, youzhi wu, bo mu, peng wang*, thermal stability of tungsten sub-nitride thin film prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering, journal of nuclear materials, 2017,485, 1-7.
7. l. qiao, p. wang*, l. gao, w. jacob, e. g. fu, g. n. luo, erosion and deuterium retention of clf-1 steel exposed to deuterium plasma, physica script, 2017, 170, 014025.
8. jiao xu, liqiang chai, li qiao, tengfei he, peng wang*, influence of c dopant on the structure, mechanical and tribological properties of r.f.-sputtered mos2/a-c composite films, applied surface sciences, 2016, 364, 249-256.
9. jiao xu, tengfei he, liqiang chai, li qiao, peng wang*, weimin liu, growth and characteristics of self-assembled mos2/mo-s-c nanoperiod multilayers for enhanced tribological performance, scientific reports, 2016.
10. peng. wang*, li. qiao, jiao. xu, wuxia. li, weimin. liu, erosion mechanism of mos2-based films exposed to atomic oxygen environments, acs appl. mater. interfaces, 2015, 7, 12943-12950.
11. li. qiao, peng. wang*, liqiang. chai, xiaolong. zhang, weimin. liu, influence of the incident flux angles on the structures and properties of magnetron sputtered mos2 films, journal of physics: d applied physics, 2015, 48, 175304.
12. peng. wang*, w. jacob, e. elgeti, deuterium retention in tungsten films after different heat treatments, journal of nuclear materials, 2015, 456, 192-199.