


席永杰,男,生于1988年,甘肃镇原人。中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所研究员,博士生导师。2009年和2012年在吉林大学获得学士和硕士学位。2016年在新加坡国立大学获得博士学位。2016年到2020年在美国南卡大学进行博士后研究。20208月入职兰州化物所羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室。主要从事基于第一性原理计算的多相催化研究。研究方向包括 二氧化碳转化、生物质转化、低碳烷烃转化等。2020年担任兰州化物所特聘青年研究员,2024年获得中国科学院引才计划支持。主持青年基金和重点研发项目子课题。在angew. chem., int. ed., acs catal., chem catal., chin. j. catal., j. catal., 等期刊发表论文30余篇。


1. 二氧化碳、生物质、低碳烷烃转化中的化学键活化和反应机理研究

2. 多相催化过程中的物理化学效应

3. 机器学习在多相催化中的应用


1. 基于第一性原理计算的多相催化研究,兰州化物所特聘青年研究员项目,主持2020.9-2025.9

2. 糠醛在过渡金属表面加氢转化生成1,2-戊二醇和1,5-戊二醇的机理研究,自然科学基金青年项目,主持,


3. co2定向催化转化制多碳化合物的理论预测与工况表征,重点研发项目子课题,主持,2022.12-2027.11

4. c1分子和生物质转化的机理研究与催化剂设计,中国科学院引才计划—青年项目b类,主持,2024.01-2026.12


1.  zhao, z.; gao, g.; xi, y.; wang, j.; sun, p.; liu, q.; li, c.; huang, z.; li, f., inverse ceria-nickel catalyst for enhanced c–o bond hydrogenolysis of biomass and polyether. nat. commun. 2024, 15 (1), 8444.

2. wang, t.; xi, y.*; li, f., alkyl c–o bond cleavage assisted by partial c–h activation on atomically dispersed catalysts and metal surfaces. chem catal. 2024, 4, 100892.

3. cheng, j. ; xie, j. ; xi, y. ; wu, x.; zhang, r.; mao, z.; yang, h.; li, z.; li, c., selective upcycling of polyethylene terephthalate towards high-valued oxygenated chemical methyl p-methyl benzoate using a cu/zro2 catalyst. angew. chem. int. ed. 2024, e202319896.

4. xi, y. *; wang, t.; wang, j.; li, j.; li, f., essential role of co coverage in co2 hydrogenation over pt(111). catal. sci. technol. 2023, 13 (21), 6153-6164.

5. long, x.; wang, j.; nie, c.; xi, y.*; li, f., manipulating the structure of metal at atomic level to enhance the catalytic performance. chem catal. 2023, 100810.

6. xie, j. ; xi, y. ; gao, w.; zhang, h.; wu, y.; zhang, r.; yang, h.; peng, y.; li, f.; li, z.; li, c., hydrogenolysis of lignin model compounds on ni nanoparticles surrounding the oxygen vacancy of ceo2. acs catal. 2023, 9577-9587.

7. xi, y.; heyden, a., highly efficient deoxydehydration and hydrodeoxygenation on mos2-supported transition-metal atoms through a c-h activation mechanism. acs catal. 2020, 10 (19), 11346-11355.

8. xi, y.; heyden, a., selective activation of methane c h bond in the presence of methanol. j. catal. 2020, 386, 12-18.

9. xi, y.; heyden, a., preferential oxidation of co in hydrogen at nonmetal active sites with high activity and selectivity. acs catal. 2020, 10 (9), 5362-5370.

10. xi, y.; heyden, a., direct oxidation of methane to methanol enabled by electronic atomic monolayer–metal support interaction. acs catal. 2019, 9 (7), 6073-6079.

11. xi, y.; yang, w.; ammal, s. c.; lauterbach, j.; pagan-torres, y.; heyden, a., mechanistic study of the ceria supported, re-catalyzed deoxydehydration of vicinal oh groups. catal. sci. technol. 2018, 8 (22), 5750-5762.

12. xi, y.*; ren, j.-c., design of a co oxidation catalyst based on two-dimensional mno2. j. phys. chem. c 2016, 120 (42), 24302-24306.

13. xi, y.; zhang, q.; cheng, h., mechanism of hydrogen spillover on wo3(001) and formation of hxwo3(x= 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, and 0.5). j. phys. chem. c 2014, 118 (1), 494-501.




